
The purpose of this paper is to develop a cost-benefit analysis for a standby system considering the concepts of inspection and degradation. The system has two identical units – one is operative and the other unit is kept as cold standby. There is single server who visits the system immediately whenever needed. Unit becomes degraded after repair. Server inspects the degraded unit at its failure to examine the feasibility of repair. If repair of the degraded unit is not feasible, it is replaced by new one. The distribution of failure time of the units follows negative exponential while that of inspection and repair times are taken as arbitrary with different probability density functions ( pdf ). Regenerative point technique is adopted to carryout the analysis. Numerical results for some reliability and economic measures pertaining to the case when inspection and repair time distributions are exponentially distributed have been obtained.

Author: S. C. Malik and P. Chand

Received on: January, 2008

Accepted on: February, 2009