
Adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) was specially designed for the rare and clustered populations by Thompson (1990). It has been proved that the efficiency of the estimators used in ACS increases if the auxiliary information is used in estimation. Different estimators are so for designed to estimate the population parameters of the rare and clustered population in the presence of auxiliary information. This paper proposes a logarithmic product type Horvitz- Thompson (HT) estimator of the population total of the interest variable under ACS when the interest and the auxiliary variables are negatively correlated. The exact expression for the bias and mean square error has obtained by using second degree of approximation. A simulation study was carried out to show the performance of the proposed estimator. Also the performance of the proposed estimator is compared with Murthy’s product HT estimator.

Author: Raosaheb Latpate, J. K. Kshirsagar and Vijay Narkhede

Received on: November, 2018

Accepted on: December, 2019